By Rachel Reynolds | Photo by Melissa Donald

One of the biggest adult recreational crazes right now involves a court and a net. And, no, it’s not tennis or badminton, it’s Pickleball. The game is a cross between tennis and ping pong and is designed to be easy to learn and play. Players use oversized ping-pong paddles to hit a wiffle ball over a three-foot net on an indoor court. It is fun for adults ages 18-90. The game has become particularly popular among people in their 50s, 60s and 70s looking for an activity that offers good aerobic exercise without being as strenuous as traditional racket sports. It also gives players the chance to socialize during the game.
Looking for an opportunity to try Pickleball? Check out these locations:
Northeast Family YMCA
Beginner’s Clinic: Mon/Wed; 11am-12pm
Open Play: Mon/Wed/Fri; 9am-11am
Location: 9400 Mill Brook Road, Louisville, KY
Cost: Free for members
Contact: 502.425.1271
E.P. “Tom” Sawyer State Park
Beginner Play: Thursdays 9am-11am; Saturdays 9am-11am
Open Play: various times
Location: 3000 Freys Hill Road, Louisville, KY
Cost: $3 per day (cash only)
Contact: Nick Price at 502.429.7270
Jewish Community Center
Beginner’s Lessons: Mon/Wed; 11am-noon
Drop-In Play: various times
Location: 3600 Dutchmans Lane., Louisville, KY
Cost: Free to JCC members
Contact: Wellness Desk at 502.238.2727
KIVA Sports (Ohio Valley Volleyball Center)
When: various times
Location: 1820 Taylor Avenue, Louisville, KY
Contact: 502.473.1200
Shivley Baptist Church
When: various times
Location: 1599 Sadie Lane, Louisville, KY
Contact: 502.367.9155
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