Fitness inspiration Jeanne Ballard, age 70, has enjoyed a healthy fitness routine for several decades, but a cancer diagnosis at 53 took her workout routine in an unexpected direction: rowing on the water with a team of strong women.What is your fitness routine? My fitness … [Read more...] about Motivated To Live A Healthy Life
Exercise and Fitness
Fitness Wisdom: “Be Disciplined And The Motivation Will Follow!” (Part 2 of 2)
Katey Holtgrave, Age 57Talk About Your Diet Strategy: I have a very sensitive stomach, so I try to eat pretty clean and I have to stay away from dairy. I’m not saying I don’t make poor choices from time to time, but I try. When I do deviate from my routine, I just start … [Read more...] about Fitness Wisdom: “Be Disciplined And The Motivation Will Follow!” (Part 2 of 2)
The Path To Being Fit: Have Realistic Expectations & Be Patient. (Part 2 of 2)
Victor Lee, 69What Are Some Tips For Someone Looking To See Results Fast (Physically Or Mentally)?Start small and build. The most important part of any fitness program is that you can sustain it over time. That means finding activities that you enjoy and that you will continue to … [Read more...] about The Path To Being Fit: Have Realistic Expectations & Be Patient. (Part 2 of 2)
Oh My Aching Back!
Sciatic nerve pain, also known as sciatica, is a type of back pain that can be very troublesome. “Sciatic pain is pain that radiates from the sciatic nerve, located in the lower back, down the leg,” says Bradley Wheeldon, PT with Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy. The pain … [Read more...] about Oh My Aching Back!
The Path To Being Fit: Start Small. Build Slowly. Choose Activities You Enjoy (Part 1 of 2)
Victor Lee, Age 69How did you get started on your fitness journey?Retirement at age 65 provided me with the opportunity to rebuild and maintain a higher level of functional fitness for a more successful and enjoyable retirement life.What would you say is the best thing you gain … [Read more...] about The Path To Being Fit: Start Small. Build Slowly. Choose Activities You Enjoy (Part 1 of 2)