Don’t sink too far into that big comfy chair, because something is likely to change. Change doesn’t have to make us uncomfortable, but usually it does. Once we get used to a new direction, off we go trying to find a place of balance and comfort. Maybe it would be better to … [Read more...] about Take Comfort, The Winter Issue Is Here!
What does it mean to “Be of Good Cheer?”
When things go wrong, that’s the time to be of good cheer. When things go right, of course we are cheerful. When nerves are getting frayed, that’s the time to smile.Even if you have a bad day at the office, or a very busy day at school, that’s no cause for your courtesy to fail, … [Read more...] about What does it mean to “Be of Good Cheer?”
My Goal Is…
Throughout our school days, we learn about the importance of setting goals and taking the necessary steps to achieve those goals. But then, somewhere along the line as adults, life happens and our goals often take a backseat to fussy babies, the 9-5 workday, and home repairs. … [Read more...] about My Goal Is…
Boost Your Health With Omega-3
Kate Boston, registered dietician and owner of Cultivate Your plate, encourages her clients to get as many vitamins and minerals by eating whole foods, but individuals who don’t like fish may find it more difficult to get omega-3 fatty acids into their diets. Omega-3 nutrients … [Read more...] about Boost Your Health With Omega-3
Passing Along Great Gifts
It is not just rich philanthropists who show their benevolence. Most people become grandparents during mature adulthood, and their reputation is well known for showering gifts, privileges, encouragement, and guidance on their grandkids. Other people in mature adulthood volunteer … [Read more...] about Passing Along Great Gifts