Living and transitioning between two residences - part 2If you ask, most people will say that as they get closer to retirement, they want to travel. But what might travel look like? For some, it is one major trip a year; others opt for smaller trips sprinkled throughout the … [Read more...] about Home Here, Home There: Part 2 South Carolina
Shine A Light On Something Hidden
When your car breaks down, you take it to a mechanic. When your refrigerator is on the fritz, you call the appliance repair person. When your cough persists, you call the doctor. But, what happens when your mental health is off or you feel stuck? Oftentimes, it is brushed off. At … [Read more...] about Shine A Light On Something Hidden
What We’re Watching Now Is Lady In The Lake And Matlock – Don’t Miss Either One
Here's What We're…Watching: Matlock, CBS Premiere: September 1While no one will ever be able to replace the greatness that was Andy Griffith, the CBS revival of this classic crime drama looks too good to pass up. Kathy Bates (Misery) is taking on the role of the defense attorney … [Read more...] about What We’re Watching Now Is Lady In The Lake And Matlock – Don’t Miss Either One
Grow Your Mind — Learn Something New
We’ve all heard the saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” But if the dog in question is a human, you’d be lucky to find a neurologist or geriatrician who would agree with you. The truth is that you can, in fact, teach an older brain all sorts of new things, and you … [Read more...] about Grow Your Mind — Learn Something New
Have Fun Eating Geographically At These Local Restaurants
Louisville is a foodie town, so consider branching out beyond your normal fare. Maybe pick a geographic location and eat from a restaurant (or two) that serves that type of food. For example, if you select Spain, consider grabbing a bite to eat at Paseo, a Spanish-style woodfire … [Read more...] about Have Fun Eating Geographically At These Local Restaurants