There are all kinds of reasons someone might be hesitant to take showers. If you find that your loved one is not bathing as regularly as you feel necessary, here are some suggestions.
1. Be patient. Avoid escalating conversations that can make them more resistant to bathing.
2. Talk with them. Have a conversation to identify the problem so you can work toward a solution. If they are cold when using the shower chair, add a small heater in the bathroom to keep them warm.
3. Invest in the right equipment. Make sure to have grab bars and shower chairs to help your loved one feel safe.
4. Use a calendar to help them remember when they have bathed.
5. Respect their privacy. Allow them to wash their own private parts if they are able, and use towels and robes to help maintain their privacy as much as possible. — Elisabeth Knight, Clinical Manager, MSSW, Caring Excellence
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