Place: Iroquois Amphitheater
Address: 1080 Amphitheater Road, Louisville, KY 40214
Website: iroquoisamphitheater.com
Phone: 502.368.5865
Hours of Operation: varies
Basic Description: The historic Iroquois Amphitheater, built in 1938 as a project of the Federal Works Progress Administration, is a 2400-seat outdoor venue. Operated by Louisville Metro Government and Louisville Department of Parks and Recreation, visitors will find themselves immersed in cultural and community treasures such as plays, concerts, festivals, and movie nights.
Highlights: Kansas will be rockin’ the Amphitheater on May 21 at 7PM.
By Megan Willman | Photo courtesy of Iroquois Amphitheater
P.S. Check out another great, local outdoor outing here.
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