Winter brings with it cozy afternoons cuddling by the fire, evenings watching the snow gently fall, and cups of hot chocolate with just the right amount of marshmallows. What’s not to love? Well, how about constantly chapped lips, dry skin, respiratory issues, and feelings of blah that just won’t leave you alone. Wouldn’t it be great if you could “winterize” your body to protect yourself against those pesky winter elements that get you down? The good news is, you can.
Pop Up Your Mood
Want to keep that good mood flowing? Preventing aches and pains that go along with the colder weather is a step in the right direction, so begin your wintertime recovery at Louisville’s new Club Recover. Billy Davis, the owner of Club Recover, says the services they provide are to keep everyday people feeling healthy every day—and the winter is no exception.
The cold weather outside can lead you to spend more time sitting around inside. Studies show that staying mobile is one of the most important things you can do for your health and this is where Club Recover’s Assisted Fascial Stretch Therapy can keep you feeling flexible. Billy explains, “A stretch therapist uses traction and breathing which increases your mobility.” This one-on-one stretch session will also improve posture, and with consistent treatment, you’re going to be able to improve your strength and range of motion. “It helps you stay healthier and keeps you moving,” Billy says.
Studies show that staying mobile is one of the most important things you can do for your health.”
Club Recover offers many treatments to assist in your wintertime wellness from sauna bathing to cold water immersion, to red/NIR light therapy to IV therapy. Staying hydrated in the dry winter months can be a challenge due to sweat evaporating faster and feeling less thirsty. Of course, being dehydrated can lead to headaches and fatigue, but Club Recover has you covered. “Sometimes you really want something that can hydrate you in a quick manner and our nursing staff and medical director oversee our IV hydration services,” Billy says. IV therapy also contains micronutrients so you can choose from elements like electrolytes, vitamin B, vitamin C, or zinc.
If you’re looking for at-home ways to prepare your body for the cold weather, Billy suggests investing in a blue light. “Desktop blue lights used in the morning help with seasonal affective disorder (SAD),” Billy says. SAD includes symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and social withdrawal. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, “Bright visible-spectrum light therapy has proven effective in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder and recent basic research suggests that blue wavelengths approximately 470 nanometers account for that effectiveness.” If you experience these symptoms, you can always reach out to a doctor for further discussion.
Protecting your body from the harsh cold season can support you in experiencing a happier, healthier wintertime.
By Tonilyn Hornung
P.S. Treat your body with love this winter season. Read how to love your skin and respiratory health.
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