Or are you just getting started?

At Today’s Transitions, we think it helps to go after life intentionally — and we want you to find your best path. See if this fill-in-the-blank list helps.
I want to help _________________________________.
I want to live _________________________________.
I want to see _________________________________.
I want to be _________________________________.
I want to learn _________________________________.
I want to have _________________________________.
I want more _________________________________.
I want to feel _________________________________.
I want to spend time _________________________________.
I want to go _________________________________.
Before time melts away, let’s live big.
— Anita Oldham, Editor-in-Chief
Read our Summer issue and feel inspired by the stories. Find your best path in life.
Looking for more? Browse our daytrips for ideas on where to have lunch or see what others have a passion for.
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