As we transition from one stage of life to another, we are often called to develop different interests and discover different intentions.
Carol Leist says such a transition point came when she retired as an IT project leader for GE Appliances. “I started questioning where I was in life, who I was away from work, and the influence of others,” she recalls. Questions we all have most likely asked ourselves at one time or another. Her search for an answer took her to a meditation group which encouraged her to go inside herself and to listen — to discover what she believed and what she wanted for her life.

“One of the things I discovered was that I had an affinity for honoring Mother Earth, her blessings, and for bringing joy to my life and to the lives of others. I attended the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show with a friend, and I became fascinated with the gems and crystals on display there from all over the world. They brought me such joy,” she says.
“I bought a lot of quartz crystals at that first show. I just felt like I was supposed to buy the quartz.” What started as a hobby has now turned into a business, with Carol selling gems, crystals, and jewelry. She also offers baby and marriage blessings and conducts healing ceremonies and workshops. Her workshops highlight the specific properties of different stones and crystals and how to use them as tools for life. “Everything on Earth has some sort of mineral composition, and my work is to love and appreciate Mother Earth,” she says.
By Lucy M. Pritchett | Photos by Patti Hartog
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