Debby Levine of Crescent Hill says her passion for gardening has always been part of her life. This love for all things green and growing was passed on to her by her mother, “I totally absorbed it and have developed it,” she says. Debby earned her masters degree in botany in the early 1980s, but didn’t have a chance to get her hands dirty using it until her move to Louisville 17 years ago. “The passion was there but the opportunity wasn’t,” she says. Since moving here, Debby has volunteered and taken classes at Yew Dell Botanical Gardens and also works to cultivate her own backyard garden.
A lover of “interesting plants,” Debby isn’t easily discouraged when her gardening ideas don’t first take root. “It’s kind of like the ever-present hope that keeps people gardening,” Debby says. Even in areas where nothing grows, she continues to try different flowers in the hopes something will thrive. “You have to keep trying and pay attention. The plants will tell you if they’re happy or not,” Debby says.
By Tonilyn Hornung
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