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When older adults need to move into their next home — whether they want to downsize, be closer to the grandkids, move into a retirement community, or have some support in assisted living — they tend to think they must deal with their stuff first. But Kay Barringer of Transitioning Services advises flipping that thinking on its head.
“Our experience has been that moving first, and thinking of yourself and what you want for your new home, is top priority,” she says. “Next, we will work with you to have a plan in place to address the remaining contents of your home — what you’d like to go to family and friends, what can be sold, what can be joyfully donated, and what needs disposed of. Then it is time to sell your home, having dealt with yourself and the contents in an organized, less stressful, and unrushed manner.”
Moving can be overwhelming, but Transitioning Services can support you through the entire process, from helping you find a realtor to boxing up your things. “We can tackle all aspects of a move, literally every step,” Kay says. “My favorite day is moving day! We find such value in leaving a client on the day they move completely unpacked and set up to stay comfortably the first night.”

Louisville, KY | 502.643.9286 | info@transitioningservices.com | transitioningservices.com
By Jessica Alyea | Photo by Randy Daniels
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